This book is brilliant for every Muslim regardless of where they are at with their Salah and with their Arabic. For new Muslims and those who are not strong with Arabic or the Qur’an, there is transliteration throughout the book as well as QR codes that link to audio files and video files to help improve the learning and development experience.

This book is brilliant for every Muslim regardless of where they are at with their Salah and with their Arabic. For new Muslims and those who are not strong with Arabic or the Qur’an, there is transliteration throughout the book as well as QR codes that link to audio files and video files to help improve the learning and development experience.

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Elevate Your Salah focuses around the 5 levels of Salah described by Ibn al-Qayyim and can be used as a manual and guide to help you identify which level your Salah is currently at and how you can reach the 5th level of Salah, praying as if you see Allah!

Elevate Your Salah focuses around the 5 levels of Salah described by Ibn al-Qayyim and can be used as a manual and guide to help you identify which level your Salah is currently at and how you can reach the 5th level of Salah, praying as if you see Allah!

Shaykh Asim Khan has been teaching Salah workshops around the world for the past decade,

this has allowed him to gain a deeper insight into the struggles that many people face when it comes to their Salah but it has also allowed him to find real-world solutions to improve it.

Many of us are familiar with the term ‘Khushu’ and often we simply translate it to focus or concentration, but the reality is that there is more to “Khushu in Salah” and this book will help you truly develop it, inshaAllah.

Many of us are familiar with the term ‘Khushu’ and often we simply translate it to focus or concentration, but the reality is that there is more to “Khushu in Salah” and this book will help you truly develop it, inshaAllah.

Shaykh Asim Khan has also published books on tafsir focusing on Surah Yaseen and Surah Mulk and he is currently working on The Simple Seerah which focuses on the life of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). As well as being a published author he is also a course instructor for Sabeel, an Imam, Hafiz of The Qur’an and has a Masters in Pharmacy.

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